
About Jesús Enrique Rosas

The Body Language Guy.

The Lesson I Learned From Watching Meghan’s Snoozefest

Of all the things I thought I'd get from watching Meghan's new cooking show (including, but not limited to, a second herniated disc or medium to severe brain damage), I couldn't imagine that I would learn a valuable lesson out of torturing myself watching the Duchess of Sausages pretending she knows the bare minimum of cooking. Anyway, just to be clear, this is not clickbait. On one hand I advise you to steer clear of "With Love, Meghan", because even salmonella is lovelier than whatever Netflix tried to put on the screen. But on the other, my biggest complain about the ... [keep reading...]

The Lesson I Learned From Watching Meghan’s Snoozefest2025-03-07T16:33:19+01:00

About That Time I Got To Watch Tilda Swinton Sleeping

One of the things I've said a couple times is that while I don't consider 'modern art' art in itself, I have a special love for it. Maybe it's the fact that can be completely random, or maybe it's because it can take me by surprise. But for me, modern art usually helps me open my mind to new ideas. So it was natural when I visited New York City back in 2013 to pay a visit to the Museum Of Modern Art (MoMA). Some years have passed and I have to acknowledge that from that visit, I just remember two ... [keep reading...]

About That Time I Got To Watch Tilda Swinton Sleeping2025-01-14T20:01:26+01:00

How Gary Cooper’s Dilemma Can Help Us Not Feel Inadequate

Early in his career, a promising actor named Frank James Cooper considered changing his name thanks to the suggestion of his agent. "Your name 'Frank Cooper' sounds too... common. should be something catchier!" "What do you suggest?" Cooper replied. "Well... I come from Gary, Indiana. So Gary Cooper has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" The actor agreed. He later would tell the joke about his name change, "It's a good thing that my agent didn't come from Poughkeepsie!" (Or Intercourse, Pennsylvania, for that matter!) It helped that Gary, Indiana was also known for its steel mills, which were a ... [keep reading...]

How Gary Cooper’s Dilemma Can Help Us Not Feel Inadequate2025-01-14T20:01:49+01:00

My Trick To Remain Sane In A Sea Of Catastrophic News

My good friend and storytelling ninja Eddy Quan posted a question on X: “Fell into a bad habit of reading the news again thanks to my Twitter timeline. Started to notice my anxiety, stress, fear and general NGMI (not gonna make it) energy penetrate my mind like a deadly virus - I don’t know how regular people do this for years on end. It’s no wonder why they go insane” Well, it’s more a concern than a question, but it’s something that I’ve had to deal with for years. I mean, it’s not like you can study human nature and disconnect ... [keep reading...]

My Trick To Remain Sane In A Sea Of Catastrophic News2025-01-01T13:43:51+01:00

“What radicalized you?”

There are so many ways I can answer that question, but I have to start somewhere. Being self exiled because of political prosecution in my own country, radicalized me. Watching meritocracy being decimated worldwide in favor of glorified mediocrity, radicalized me. Realizing that men invading women’s spaces was not a cruel joke but a reality, radicalized me. Children’s lives being destroyed by monsters absolved by two-tiered injustice systems, radicalized me. Governments from both sides of the political spectrum disrupting and dissolving their countries’ cultures with indiscriminate, unfiltered immigration that never cared to integrate into their hosting society, radicalized me. The ability ... [keep reading...]

“What radicalized you?”2025-01-01T13:43:52+01:00

Today I Witnessed Something Beautiful

Memories from school that I could consider pleasant or barely tolerable are few and far between, but one thing that kept me sane was drawing. From giant mecha robots with majestic weapons to… more giant mecha robots, the back end of all my notebooks were full of made up futuristic battles between the most bizarre steel and gears factions. [ Ten. ] But the other topic that I drew, a lot, was space. I was especially enamored of the Space Shuttle’s design and colors. It looked like a giant panda-ship cruising the sky, becoming white hot upon entering the atmosphere. I ... [keep reading...]

Today I Witnessed Something Beautiful2025-01-14T20:50:02+01:00

When nostalgia hits you HARD, there’s a lesson in there

I stumbled upon a funny meme on X that showed some old first person shooter screenshots and a reflexive man, looking into the distance. The caption: “Man Still Chasing That High He Felt Playing Halo at LAN Party With The Fellas Back In 2001” Not gonna lie, I miss LAN parties SO MUCH. In my case it was not about Halo but Unreal Tournament. There was something so satisfying about blasting someone’s digital avatar to pieces with a well placed rocket. Maybe two, for good measure. But can’t we play online nowadays? Isn’t that infinitely easier to just connect to the ... [keep reading...]

When nostalgia hits you HARD, there’s a lesson in there2025-01-01T13:43:53+01:00

How 15 badass seconds from Alan Rickman changed my life forever

"All of you, relax. This is a matter of inconvenient timing. That’s all. Police action was inevitable. And as it happens… necessary. So let them fumble about outside, and stay calm. This is simply the beginning.” “Die Hard” is IMHO the greatest Christmas movie of all time (followed closely by "Home Alone", of course), and I can’t help but consider it one of my favorite movies ever. I’ve lost count the times I’ve watched it, and I was already a Bruce Willis fan from his work on Moonlighting when I saw this masterpiece for the first time. But despite epic lines ... [keep reading...]

How 15 badass seconds from Alan Rickman changed my life forever2025-01-01T13:43:54+01:00

The amusing reason why Verdi hijacked 95 barrel organs

One hot Italian summer, Verdi rented a large cottage to write music during the holidays. Days after arriving, he got one visitor who was taken aback by the fact that the famous composer was inhabiting just one room in the large house, using it as a studio, bedroom and lounge, all at the same time. “Why don’t you use the rest of the house”, the visitor asked. Verdi smiled, and invited the man to tour the house. The man was baffled to see every room literally filled to the ceiling with barrel organs, those amusing boxy pipe instruments that street entertainers ... [keep reading...]

The amusing reason why Verdi hijacked 95 barrel organs2025-01-01T13:43:55+01:00

The surprising lesson I learned from a ‘Seal’

Sometimes, the most interesting lessons I’ve learned have come from the oddest situations. Like the time I boarded a bus to leave Caracas, where I was taking an IELTS test, back home. It was already way past sunset and the evening was setting it when we were on the road, and a movie starts playing. “The Devil Wears Prada”. Bummer. A movie about clothes. Or fashion, whatever. Would have taken any godforsaken Van Damme movie over this. But anyway, there were no smartphones back then so the inability to rage tweet was one of the reasons I just payed attention to ... [keep reading...]

The surprising lesson I learned from a ‘Seal’2025-01-01T13:43:55+01:00
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