Why Hannibal Lecter doesn’t blink? (And how can you use it)

There was this urban legend about Anthony Hopkins never blinking when playing the iconic character from Silence of the Lambs. https://youtu.be/HPFzn8T_cgY While it's not true and he does blink, the myth persisted due to a very useful quirk: Hannibal Lecter needs no introduction, but Hopkins' take on the character offers some insights for tough negotiations. This man knew how to make quite an impression. We are talking about just over 16 minutes of acting in the whole movie that awarded him an Oscar for Best Actor. The subject of 'never blinking' first came up because Hopkins deliberately trained himself not to ... [keep reading...]

Why Hannibal Lecter doesn’t blink? (And how can you use it)2025-01-01T13:44:28+01:00

7 Body Language mistakes politicians reveal in debates:

In every political debate, it's common to choose a 'winner'. Body language is part of that criteria, but how do you know who dominated others with their nonverbal expression? Just pay attention to these 7 tips:   1 - "Baton Gestures" are the ones we use to support a speech. It's easy to recognize them as one or both hands emphasize certain words. Common mistake: to make them too close or far from the body, or not synchronized with the word you want to stress.   2 - We use 'pacifiers' to calm down when we are nervous. Touching our clothes ... [keep reading...]

7 Body Language mistakes politicians reveal in debates:2025-01-01T13:44:32+01:00

What are microexpressions?

Microexpressions are involuntary movements of the muscles of the face and occur as a reaction to an emotion. If you learn to detect them, you can identify the attitudes and feelings of the person you are talking to wit… (keep reading)

What are microexpressions?2025-01-01T13:44:34+01:00
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