A funny proof that most obstacles are NONEXISTENT:

  "The real enemy is within your mind" is a really worn out cliché... that will still be true no matter what. There's an anecdote of famed orchestra director Artur Rodzinski that helps illustrate this perennial fact: One evening, Rodzinski was driving when he saw a billboard announcing an open-air concert that was being broadcasted by radio at that very moment. The program included one of his own specialties: Shostakovich's Fifth Symphony, directed by Fabien Sevitzky. He didn't respect Sevitzky much, but he tuned in to the broadcast anyway. The concert had already begun. Just a few seconds in, and he ... [keep reading...]

A funny proof that most obstacles are NONEXISTENT:2025-01-01T13:44:16+01:00

Why your offer should always be absurdly high when negotiating:

  I’d like you to imagine the following scene. At some point in the late fifteenth century, Christopher Columbus went full Shark Tank pitching to the Catholic Monarchs his project of reaching the Indies directly across the Atlantic Ocean. He asked for ships, crew and provisions to do what everyone (supposed) could be done because since ancient Greece it was already known that our planet was round… but no one dared to slash it proven. The fact is that Columbus was quite persistent and spent nine (Yes, 9!) Years requesting financing for the expedition. We can picture him standing in front ... [keep reading...]

Why your offer should always be absurdly high when negotiating:2025-01-01T13:44:16+01:00

Sometimes I like watching people fail. And fail in a BIG way.

Have you heard the expression "It is not enough to succeed... others must fail, too!" Yeah, it's mean, makes (sometimes) zero sense, but it always manages to get me a chuckle. Especially because sometimes, some people absolutely deserve to fail. Take for example the nice success of the Super Mario Bros' movie opening weekend. Broke the record for animated films. Nintendo and Universal Studios are ready to take a dip in Scrooge McDuck's vault. Who's the big loser here? Disney and Pixar, and with good reason. They have embarrassed themselves over and over again in the last few years just pouring ... [keep reading...]

Sometimes I like watching people fail. And fail in a BIG way.2025-01-01T13:44:17+01:00

My 3 tactics to become unreadable

I get these questions a lot. "I am too expressive... I would like to tone down my gestures" "How can I control my body language and not get nervous?" "Sometimes I think people misinterpret my face" Here's the thing: you can control your body language, but you don't really want to control your body language. Let me explain. I used to be a 'controlled body language' advocate. Assume postures and gestures to execute at any given time. It worked... sometimes. To be honest, it worked only once, when I gave a 38-minute lecture back in 2012 which I rehearsed to every ... [keep reading...]

My 3 tactics to become unreadable2025-01-01T13:44:18+01:00

Sometimes you need a mask… just to be yourself

Few people are comfortable with society being just a big masquerade ball where everyone conceals their identities… and their intentions. This story of a baseball player going incognito at a hotel, sums it up pretty well: Ted Williams was an American outfielder with a temper. He wasn’t by any means, the sweetest person. One rainy night, he was checking in at a nondescript hotel. The lobby was empty and silent. The clerk recognized him straight away as he approached the front desk. Williams noticed the manager's body language and knew he had recognized him. We are talking about the 1940s, so ... [keep reading...]

Sometimes you need a mask… just to be yourself2025-01-01T13:44:18+01:00

Speaking with serenity and firmness will take you far:

You may think that you need to show visible and noticeable emotions to persuade, but it's not always necessary. An example is when Humphrey Bogart took his stylist (and, um, lover!) Verita Thompson to dinner. Verita was a Mexican who made it to Hollywood as a stylist. She had an affair with Bogart while they were both married. The first time he took her to Romanoff's restaurant, he introduced her as "Petée González, Mexican actress". Verita was WTF, but went along with the joke. To continue the ruse, Verita spoke only Spanish with Bogart, and Sofia-Vergara-grade English with everyone else. When ... [keep reading...]

Speaking with serenity and firmness will take you far:2025-01-01T13:44:19+01:00

The difference between persuasion and manipulation

I often see these two words used synonymously. As if being persuasive or manipulative were the same thing. Although both are aimed at getting people to do what you want, this is a fundamental difference: Our ability to make our own decisions. To illustrate it, I'll add a third term: Coercion, which doesn't cause as much confusion. It is when you are forced to act against your will; in other words, it eliminates your ability to make decisions. Generally coercion is notorious; you know that someone is preventing you from acting or deciding for yourself. And in that sense it is ... [keep reading...]

The difference between persuasion and manipulation2025-01-01T13:44:19+01:00

How to deal with people’s vicious attacks… with elegance:

"Bear in mind that you are not making music for your own pleasure, but for the pleasure of your audience". This is a quote from the German composer Richard Strauss which depicts the humbleness we should strive for. But what if no matter our efforts, some trolls inside our audience keep attacking us? This is an everyday dilemma just because we are hardwired by evolution to give disproportional weight to criticism. We wonder why, if we aren't hurting anyone, if we're minding our own business and focused on doing it well... there's always one jerk, one hater, or at least one ... [keep reading...]

How to deal with people’s vicious attacks… with elegance:2025-01-01T13:44:20+01:00

Why are anti-heroes so fascinating?

Why are anti-heroes so fascinating? I think the answer is clear: When they decide to achieve something, they become OBSESSED with it to the point of being borderline (and sometimes expressly) criminal. They give a sense of certainty. You know they WILL get what they set their sights on. In that sense, an anti-hero is the most trustable person possible - even if you don't approve their methods, lack of ethics, or flat-out recklessness. But you can TRUST in them and they determination. Even if it goes against common sense, you feel safe with that certainty. via GIPHY Make no mistake, ... [keep reading...]

Why are anti-heroes so fascinating?2025-01-01T13:44:20+01:00

7 Essential techniques to tell if someone is lying

Detecting lies is, without a doubt, one of the most attractive topics in body language. Although it may seem a very difficult feat, the most important thing is to get used to observing the attitudes of the people you interact with on a daily basis. The more you study the body language of others, the more sensitive you will become to the changes in attitude that inevitably accompany a falsehood. The problem arises when you think there's only one method for spotting deception, when in fact it's a skill set that also includes asking questions. Here are seven key clues to ... [keep reading...]

7 Essential techniques to tell if someone is lying2025-01-01T13:44:21+01:00
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