This factor is WAY more important to you than any opportunity:

Everyone deserves a chance to show what they're capable of. But we often overestimate the preparation we need to get the job done. Joseph Kosinski's crazy directorial debut is a great way to illustrate this: Remember the movie "Tron: Legacy"? It was one of the most anticipated sequels in movie history. It was meant to spark more movies, an animated series and tons of merchandise. It had a budget of 170 million. And it was directed by a guy with ZERO filmmaking experience. Let me make this absolutely clear: Joseph Kosinski, the films' director, the one in charge of that pile ... [keep reading...]

This factor is WAY more important to you than any opportunity:2025-01-01T13:44:27+01:00

This Samuel L. Jackson line is the best advice you’ll get today:

We're not supposed to know absolutely everything, so it's always a good idea to ask for help if we need it. However, the way Samuel L. Jackson filters his true fans will help you know the right way to do it: Jackson was asked, "What's the thing your fans always tell you when they meet you?" And he replied, "Do you know what they call the quarter pounder with cheese in Paris?" It's a reference to one of his lines with John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. Here's the catch: When any of his fans asks that question, Jackson answers exactly like ... [keep reading...]

This Samuel L. Jackson line is the best advice you’ll get today:2025-01-01T13:44:28+01:00

Why Hannibal Lecter doesn’t blink? (And how can you use it)

There was this urban legend about Anthony Hopkins never blinking when playing the iconic character from Silence of the Lambs. While it's not true and he does blink, the myth persisted due to a very useful quirk: Hannibal Lecter needs no introduction, but Hopkins' take on the character offers some insights for tough negotiations. This man knew how to make quite an impression. We are talking about just over 16 minutes of acting in the whole movie that awarded him an Oscar for Best Actor. The subject of 'never blinking' first came up because Hopkins deliberately trained himself not to ... [keep reading...]

Why Hannibal Lecter doesn’t blink? (And how can you use it)2025-01-01T13:44:28+01:00

That time when Henry Cavill met his improvised mentor… again:

We almost forget that we usually don't know who could be listening to us... and the actual impact of our words. Henry Cavill has a funny anecdote about that, when he got the right words at the right time: Cavill was an awkward teen in high school, to the point of being called 'Fat Cavill'. Yeah. Hard to imagine, right? but bear with me with this one. One day the school was the location for a Hollywood production, and there was this famous actor in the premises. By a strange turn of destiny, Cavill managed to talk to the A-lister. — ... [keep reading...]

That time when Henry Cavill met his improvised mentor… again:2025-01-01T13:44:29+01:00

To overcome certain limitations, maybe we just have to expand our vocabulary:

It’s perfectly normal to face adversity and not know how to react. (Maybe we don’t even know how to define how we feel about it) Ludwig Wittgenstein wants to help us: Wittgenstein was a disciple of Bertrand Russell, who pushed login into him with the same subtlety of Pulp Fiction’s adrenaline injection. (And Ludwig’s reaction was similar): Language is made of * propositions *. For example, “Lasagna makes you fat”. There is a problem: Wittgenstein argued that only the propositions that we can verify empirically (through our experience) as ‘true’ or ‘false’ are valid. Therefore, concepts such as moral, ethics and ... [keep reading...]

To overcome certain limitations, maybe we just have to expand our vocabulary:2025-01-01T13:44:30+01:00

To live life to its fullest, you must kill your self-consciousness:

How many rules should we obey on a daily basis? Hundreds; Maybe thousands. They are necessary to live together, but which ones do we impose ourselves? Nietzsche has a couple of things to say about it: We can rest assured that this philosopher had a poster of Schopenhauer in his room, much like having one of Ozzy Osbourne. Of course, he studied in depth that “Will and Representation”, that the famous pessimist wrote; The duality of our world. Then he noticed a pattern: Plato spoke of a ‘real’ world (which we could only grasp with our intellect) and an ‘apparent’ world, which ... [keep reading...]

To live life to its fullest, you must kill your self-consciousness:2025-01-01T13:44:30+01:00

A Teen Thief… And a Lesson in Persuasion:

People’s attention span is getting shorter, so we must look for creative ways to capture and maintain it. That reminds me of a fifteen-year-old who one day decided to steal a book, regardless of the consequences: It was at the end of the 70s, and while all his friends were drooling for Space Invaders, he just wanted the book ‘Switch’ by Elmore Leonard. So much was his desperation to have the volume in his hands, that he did not hesitate for a second to steal it. The inexperience led to his capture. The teenager apologized to the owners of the premises, ... [keep reading...]

A Teen Thief… And a Lesson in Persuasion:2025-01-01T13:44:31+01:00

Nothing like a proctologist’s visit to RESET your life:

When life's curve balls hit us right in the liver, it's normal (but useless) to complain about our bad fortune. Christopher Reeve was understandably depressed right after his accident... until he had a singular visit: On May 27, 1995, Reeve was thrown from his horse during an equestrian jumping event, landing on his head. When he woke up four days later, he was paralyzed from the neck down, with a 50 percent chance of surviving. "Way too fucked up" pretty much sums it up. His situation struck fast and hard. He began to feel depressed and uncertain of his future. Not ... [keep reading...]

Nothing like a proctologist’s visit to RESET your life:2025-01-01T13:44:31+01:00

7 Body Language mistakes politicians reveal in debates:

In every political debate, it's common to choose a 'winner'. Body language is part of that criteria, but how do you know who dominated others with their nonverbal expression? Just pay attention to these 7 tips:   1 - "Baton Gestures" are the ones we use to support a speech. It's easy to recognize them as one or both hands emphasize certain words. Common mistake: to make them too close or far from the body, or not synchronized with the word you want to stress.   2 - We use 'pacifiers' to calm down when we are nervous. Touching our clothes ... [keep reading...]

7 Body Language mistakes politicians reveal in debates:2025-01-01T13:44:32+01:00
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