The #1 secret to become MAGNETIC is easier than you think:

You don't need to be born 'magnetic' to mesmerize and attract people; you just have to apply the simple trick I learned from my periodontist, that is easier than you think (and free!) It was fall 1992. I remember that I went to my periodontist for a regular check. I always remember her as rather charismatic lady, cracking jokes and making the procedure of checking my gums from bearable to almost entertaining. At some point I mentioned that I was going to compete at a local Nintendo tournament the upcoming weekend, and if all went well, I would be classified for ... [keep reading...]

The #1 secret to become MAGNETIC is easier than you think:2025-01-01T13:44:04+01:00

How To Boost Your Good Luck 10x:

"Good Luck" is something you can control, like this F1 driver that avoided a fatal crash just by paying attention to the right signs: Beneath the Monaco sun, the roar of engines echoed. Argentine Formula One driver Juan Manuel Fangio, a five-time World Drivers' Champion, led the race. Swift and agile, his car danced upon the asphalt. But as he sped, a hushed alarm bell rang in his mind. Ahead, a treacherous curve unfurled. As Fangio approached, a peculiar sight met his eyes: The blur of spectator faces, usually indifferent, were turned away, their attention snatched by an unseen drama beyond ... [keep reading...]

How To Boost Your Good Luck 10x:2025-01-01T13:44:05+01:00

The reason why Disraeli couldn’t write a joke about Queen Victoria:

I've met a lot of people with impressive skills, but the most remarkable ones were those who were well aware of their limitations. That was the case with Disraeli and this anecdote about writing jokes: Legend says that William Gladstone and Benjamin Disraeli, both having played sort of a ping-pong game for years being prime ministers of the UK, were chatting late at night in Disraeli's studio. Gladstone mentioned his colleague's joke writing skills, and the other scoffed with a humble gesture. "I'm sure you could write a joke about any subject", said the first. "Yes, it is quite possible", was ... [keep reading...]

The reason why Disraeli couldn’t write a joke about Queen Victoria:2025-01-01T13:44:06+01:00

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I do exactly as Michael Fassbender:

Sometimes life can throw so many things at us, at the same time, that it's easy to become overwhelmed by then. But when that happens, I think of this Michael Fassbender anecdote and it just works: The moment Michael Fassbender had this script in his hands, he became instantly mesmerized. The complexity of the character was already legendary, the stages of development were perfect for painting strong emotions and the project looked amazing. There was only one problem: Fassbender is a perfectionist. And the script in question was for the biopic "Steve Jobs", another hopeless perfectionist. Imagine such combination. Danny Boyle, ... [keep reading...]

Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I do exactly as Michael Fassbender:2025-01-01T13:44:06+01:00

The one rule to follow when anyone wants something for you:

People are often vague with their words, and misinterpretation can be costly if you don't pay attention. This cigar anecdote proves that:​ When Calvin Coolidge was president of the United States, one visitor to the White House asked him for a cigar.​ The reason for such an overfamiliar request, given the circumstances, was a friend who collected bands from the favorite cigars of celebrity smokers.​ Coolidge kindly opened his humidor, picked up a cigar, removed the band, and handed it to the man before replacing the bandless cigar in the box.​ Because what mattered was the band, right? In all cases, ... [keep reading...]

The one rule to follow when anyone wants something for you:2025-01-01T13:44:07+01:00

This clue tells you when it’s time to quit:

To define success can be tricky, especially in cases like this famous artist who quit painting in his later years. But more important is why he made that decision: High Renaissance artist Sebastiano del Piombo decided to quit painting in his later years. Criticized by his decision, as everyone thought that he still had genius to share on canvas, he gave his reasons. "There are now men of genius who do in two months what I used to do in two years. If these masters can do so much, it makes sense that at least one does nothing. So here I ... [keep reading...]

This clue tells you when it’s time to quit:2025-01-01T13:44:08+01:00

Why this actor threw his life jacket overboard… and laughed!

Life has many ironies, and they can either upset or amuse you. This man, even if overwhelmed by frustration, opted for the second option: While serving in the British merchant marine during World War I, actor Herbert Marshall participated in an operation that required everyone to wear life jackets all the time. You can imagine that the conditions of the job, the sweat, the soil over days and then weeks made the vests not only uncomfortable but foul smelling as well. At some point he even seriously thought that drowning would be a better outcome than wearing the darned vest again. ... [keep reading...]

Why this actor threw his life jacket overboard… and laughed!2025-01-01T13:44:09+01:00

These 2 words saved me YEARS of frustration:

Everyone says that you should be 'authentic', but what do they really mean by this? luckily, I've got the perfect anecdote so you get it crystal clear: ​In 1953, Jack Lemmon arrived in Hollywood to make his first film, "It Should Happen To You", along Judy Holliday. ​During one of the rehearsals, director George Cukor cut Lemmon in the middle of a scene and told him: "Jack, do less" Lemmon understood that he was overacting, apologized, and proceeded to repeat the rehearsal. But he was promptly cut short by Cukor. ​"Do less", the director said again. The young actor obliged and ... [keep reading...]

These 2 words saved me YEARS of frustration:2025-01-01T13:44:10+01:00

How a person’s face reveals they’re liars (through the years)

Let's do a simple exercise. Take a look at these two pictures of John Kerry (It doesn't matter if you don't know who John Kerry is, just take a look at them) It's easy to guess that these two photos are at least a couple of decades apart. The exact time between them doesn't matter, but instead, how his facial features have progressively shifted to the right side of his face. Remember that when I talk about HIS right side, it is our LEFT in the photo. Notice how even if the TIME magazine portrait (to the right) he's got his ... [keep reading...]

How a person’s face reveals they’re liars (through the years)2025-01-01T13:44:10+01:00
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